PMP Consulting

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Privacy Policy

  1. Overview
    This privacy policy applies to information collected through PMP Consulting Co., Ltd (hereinafter, “we”) website. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting personally identifiable information you may provide us with through our website. We have adopted this privacy to explain what information may be collected on our website, how we use this information and how we secure it in our systems. All PMP consulting employees have been made aware of this privacy policy.
    This Privacy Policy, together with our Website Terms of Use as posted on our Website, set forth the general rules and policies governing your use of our website.

  2. How We Use and Manage Your Personally Identifiable Information
    Through our website, we collect personally identifiable information, including your name, your company’s, your telephone number, your e-mail address and your message. This information is generally used to reply to your inquiry. We may also use this information to later contact you for a variety of reasons, such as customer service, to provide you with promotional material about our services or to communicate with you about the services we have provided.
    We have implemented security measures we consider reasonable and appropriate to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Please be advised, however, that while we strive to protect your personally identifiable information and privacy, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you disclose or transmit to us online and are not responsible for the theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of your personally identifiable information.

  3. Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information
    Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, we reserve the right to disclose any personally identifiable information if we are required to do so by law, with respect to copyright or other intellectual property infringement claims, or if we believe that such action is necessary to:
    • fulfill a government request;
    • conform with the requirements of the law or legal process;
    • protect or defend our legal rights or property, our Website, or other users;
    • protect the health and safety of our Website's users or the general public.

  4. Changes or Deletion of Personally Identifiable Information
    You may request us to modify or delete your personally identifiable information. We can proceed your request after confirming your identity.

  5. Applicable Law
    We comply with Japan’s laws, regulations and other rules pertaining to the protection of personally identifiable information. We will follow changes in the law and amend our privacy policy accordingly.

  6. Contact Information
    You may contact us as provided in this Link if:
    • you have questions or comments about our Privacy Policy;
    • wish to make corrections to any personally identifiable information you have provided;
    • want to opt-out from receiving future correspondence, including emails,
    We will respond to your request and, if applicable and appropriate, make the requested changes in our database. Please note that we may not be able to fulfill certain requests.

April 22, 2017
PMP Consulting Co., Ltd.


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